

The Girls’ and Boys’ Varsity Swimming/Diving finished out their season in spectacular fashion at New England’s. 这一天充满了多个新英格兰锦标赛游泳, 个人最好成绩, 前三名结束. 除了这些成就, New England Championships marked a true group effort by the team who all came together on the deck to actively support each other and cheer each other on at the biggest meet of the season. The coaching staff was tremendously proud of each individual who competed and the true team culture that was displayed on deck. 

2月28日星期三,跳水选手们拉开了比赛的序幕. Margee马奥尼 ‘24 and Cecily Belford ‘24 competed in their last ever meet as Matlets and both accomplished top ten finishes. 马吉·马奥尼在311分中获得第七名.80 and Cecily Belford closely followed her with an eighth place finish in a score of 307.60. Congratulations to the divers on an incredible season - we will miss you next year! 

On Saturday night, New England’s finals began strong with an impressive two-second victory (1:41.在200年混合泳接力赛中,马特莱特队获得了6分. 祝贺26岁的约翰·德怀尔, 雷吉·卡努,25岁, 欧文黄, 24岁, 以及26岁的威尔·拉洛克,感谢他们是本次比赛的新英格兰冠军! Will Larcok followed up his victory in this event with an eighth place finish in the 200 Freestyle in a time of 1:57.62岁和26岁的西蒙·斯坦博以2分11秒的成绩获得第14名.58(个人最好成绩). 约翰·德怀尔(John Dwyer)随后在200i比赛中领跑.M. and swam an incredibly tough race to earn his second New England Championship title of the day (time of 1:57.64). This time marks a new personal best time for John Dwyer and a new school record. 雷吉·卡努继德怀尔之后打出了令人印象深刻的22分.08年在50码自由泳中获得第二名. 欧文黄, 24岁 battled it out in the 100 Freestyle for a fourth place finish (50.并游出了本赛季的个人最好成绩. 跟随100米自由泳, 西蒙·斯丹博, 马修·奥康奈尔,25岁, 菲利普·托米奇,25岁, and Samuel 海德 ‘25 fought hard for a seventh place finish in the 200 Freestyle Relay (1:47.48). 这次游泳让奥康奈尔印象深刻, 海德, 和托米奇都是第一次参加东北锦标赛. 跟进这个事件, John Dwyer claimed his third New England Championship title of the day in the 100 回来stroke swimming a personal best time of 52.69(仅比新英格兰记录低十分之二). 雷吉·卡努以惊人的方式完成了当天的个人项目, 以1分01秒的成绩夺得100米蛙泳新英格兰锦标赛冠军.80). 祝贺雷吉在他的第一次新英格兰比赛中获得两个新英格兰冠军! The Boy’s finished the day strong with a third place podium finish in the 400 Freestyle relay (3:24.83). 这支球队由约翰·德怀尔、威尔·拉洛克、欧文·黄和雷吉·卡努组成. 祝贺所有的男孩们在这场精彩的比赛中! 

The Girls’ began the meet with a strong sixth place finish in the 200 Yard Medley relay (1:58.47). 这支队伍由25岁的埃莉·皮尔曼组成, Fundee Tongtip ' 24, 海登·施耐德,25岁, 还有24岁的格蕾丝·泰勒. 这次游泳为女子创造了2秒的最好成绩. 格蕾丝·泰勒紧随其后,在200米自由泳中进行了精彩的比赛, 落后两秒,获得第四名. In the 50 Freestyle, 麦迪逊Khuu ‘24 and Sunshine Li ‘26 battled hard for top sixteen finishes. Khuu以26秒的成绩排名第十.84岁时,李在27岁时才13岁.69. 海登施耐德 followed up these swims in the 100 Fly with a top ten finish in a time of 1:08.02. Jennifer Weber battled hard to secure ninth place in this event in a personal best time of 1:04.58. 恩典泰勒 earned her second fourth place finish of the day in the 500 Freestyle, 游泳的个人最好成绩是5分33秒.69. Ellie Pearman also battled it out in the top heat to secure a top-twenty finish in a time of 6:14.02.In the Girls’ 100 回来stroke, Ellie Pearman took ninth in a personal best time of 1:05.00 and Jennifer Weber followed closely behind her for her second top ten finish of the day (1:05.11). Fundee Tongtip closed out the individual events of the day in an impressive swim in the 100 Breastroke with an eighth place finish (1:16.81). 最后, one of the significant highlights of the day for the girls’ team was their incredible second place finish in the 200 Freestyle relay. 由麦迪逊Khuu组成的团队, Jennider韦伯, 海登施耐德, and 恩典泰勒 dropped a second and a half to earn themselves a spot on the podium. Each girl swam a best time in this relay and 恩典泰勒’s astounding last leg of the relay was a near two second drop for her personal best time. 干得好,姑娘们! 


Congratulations to every member of the New England Championship team this year! 特别祝贺西西莉·贝尔福德, 麦迪逊Khuu, Margee马奥尼, Fundee Tongtip, 恩典泰勒, 欧文黄, Nolan Stsypeck参加了他们的最后一次新英格兰锦标赛! 明年我们会想念你们的!



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